
C. palustris, the Bog Arum, Water Arum or Wild Calla, is a hardy perennial native to North America, northern Asia and Europe. This plant grows near the water's edge where it grows from a rhizome that creeps along the surface of the soil. The Bog Arum grows from 6 to 12 inches high and from 6 to 12 inches wide. Its leaves are glossy, heart-shaped and leathery. During the summer, flowers growing 2 inches in length, are produced. These consist of a spadix, clothed with tiny, yellow flowers, surrounded by a white spathe; these are followed by red berries.

Pot Cultivation

Early spring is the best time for planting. The Bog Arum can be grown in a bog garden or in water that will not cover more than 2 inches of the plant's crown. Grow in loam enriched with organic matter, in a sunny position.


The rhizomes may be divided in the spring or stratified seeds may be sown.


C. palustris

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